Thursday, May 05, 2005

Relaxed (Part 1)

Before meeting up with friends for a movie, I stopped at a Diner for a potential Meetup (which didn't happen) and to kill some time. I've been feeling good lately—even joyful. That doesn't usually remind me of calm and contented feelings, but this time it did.

In this part:

  • Day in review; woke up late, juggling clubs in Fort Tryon Park.
  • Feeling relaxed and calm and happy—with coffee.
  • Looking forward to meeting with Sara and Sarah for Sin City (yes, again).
  • Reviewing yesterday; shopping, squash, and conversation with a new friend.
  • Cookies and milk and being read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy at Melinda's.
  • Musings on the potential for a meeting with someone who found me online.
this is an audio post - click to play


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